Man, she's heavy though. I can barely carry her car seat carrier anymore so we're looking into new convertible car seats already. It seems like last week that she looked like she was swallowed up in her carrier.
Here's what she's been up to:
- She is totally sitting up for how ever long she wants to. No more falling over or face planting.
- She likes to make whistling noises.
- She "studies" things when she's tired, mostly blankets or tags on toys. She makes and interesting grunting noise when she does this. I should capture it on video.
- She is crawling backwards and scooting, trying desperately to crawl.
- She sits in the big girl portion of the shopping cart now and LOVES it.
- She wants anything that we have in in our hands, no matter what it is.
- She likes it when I wear hats so she can take the bill and play with it.
- She's fascinated with all types of textures.
- She's drinking out of a sippy cup but has not realized that she needs to lift it up to get the contents.
- She is trying all types of purees...but sticks with her plain favorites for the most part. She'll give a nice big gag if she isn't happy with our choice.
- She has her top 2 teeth now, so we're up to 4 and PRAYING for a teething break.
- Her sleeping habits have gotten a little better since her teething slowed down. Still not napping well, but we'll take the 10-11 hours at night with just one feeding in there somewhere.
We're so excited for her first Christmas. We'll be having Christmas Eve here, hosting 14 people, and then Christmas day we will be splitting the day between families. I'm wrapping her presents, just for shits and giggles...and hopefully a cute video.
My friend Jessica made her a tutu, which I asked her to do because that's why I had a girl, to play dress up.
Speaking of having girls, my friends Jaime and Susie, (both friends from high school and are due 3 weeks from one another. Susie is due on Lily's birthday) are both having GIRLS! Also, my friend Jessie (a FIF), who is due the same day as Jaime, is also having a girl! It's such a good thing because Lily has some awesome hand-me-downs! I am so excited for these new babies!
Well, I highly doubt I will post again before Christmas, since it's only 5 days away, so I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Santa better be good to everyone! I am so thankful for my wonderful family and my wonderful friends that make this time of year so awesome. Love to everyone!